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Today Cosplay

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Soul Eater Soul Evans Death Scythe Abilities

Form Manipulation: This allows Soul and Maka to change the appearance of Soul's Weapon form. To what extent is not yet known but they have been seen to manipulate the length of the scythe blade in Soul's Weapon form.

Flight: Through Soul Resonance with Maka's Grigori Soul, Soul can manifest wings in his Weapon form, allowing him and Maka to fly. The two debate over what sort of wings they want, and thus it takes a little time for them to achieve this ability. At first, Soul makes sharp spiky wings, which, although achieving momentary flight, is rejected by Maka due to their unattractive appearances. After yielding to Maka's wish for more 'fluffy' angel-like wings, Soul's wings take on the form of a tiny pair of feathery wings, which achieves flight, but with incredibly low speed. After settling their argument, Soul creates a pair of large strong feathery wings which allows them great speed and versatility in the air.

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